Hydropower Licensing, Relicensing, and Compliance
FERC Licensing NEPA Support Services
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, with
Louis Berger
Meridian has been a contractor to the FERC
since 1998, conducting over 25 NEPA
environmental analyses for hydroelectric and
hydrokinetic projects throughout the United
States. Our work involves reviewing license
applications and other applicant filings to
ensure compliance with the FERC regulations
and policies and preparing EISs and EAs. We
address issues such as fish passage, instream
flows, ramping rates, entrainment, reservoir
fluctuation, bank stability, instream and
riparian habitat quality, invasive plant
management, wetlands and old-growth, wildlife
movement and migration, listed species, land
use, recreation, aesthetics, grazing, and
shoreline management.
Sunset Fish Passage and Energy Project
Snohomish County PUD
The Sunset Fish Passage and Energy Project is
a proposed 30-MW run-of-river hydropower
project on the South Fork Skykomish River.
Meridian has been providing licensing services
to the District for the project since 2012.
Tasks have included preparing the
Pre-Application Document; designing and
conducting terrestrial, riparian and wetland
resource studies, reviewing and commenting on
technical reports, and participating in public
meetings. Meridian prepared study plans to
measure fish attraction and collection
efficiency of the trap and haul facility and
downstream fish survival. Meridian's current
assignment is to complete Exhibit E for
inclusion in the FERC License Application.
Lewis River Hydroelectric Projects License Implementation
As a component of the Lewis River Project's
Settlement Agreement and FERC License,
Meridian developed a study plan and managed a
comprehensive evaluation of bull trout habitat
limiting factors in the tributaries to Lake
Merwin and Swift Creek Reservoir; prepared a
fish passage monitoring and evaluation plan
designed to quantify collection efficiency,
injury rates, and overall survival of juvenile
and adult salmon and steelhead entering the
Project surface collector and adult collection
facility. Meridian managed the preparation of
a survey design to determine the distribution,
abundance, and spawn time of transported
anadromous fish in the Upper Lewis River and
conducts upper Lewis River spawning surveys.
Meridian also conducted an assessment of
existing water temperatures, fish, and aquatic
macroinvertebrates in the Yale Project
tailrace as a component of the Project's
Section 401 certification. Meridian is
providing staff to operate the Swift Reservoir
floating surface collector and Merwin Adult
Trap fish passage facilities. Meridian is also
conducting salmon spawner distribution and
abundance surveys in the lower Lewis River for
coho and Spring Chinook and seasonally
operates screw traps to monitoring juvenile
salmonid outmigration.
Hancock Creek and Calligan Creek Hydroelectric Projects
Snohomish County PUD
Meridian assisted the District with
preparation of draft FERC license applications
for two 6-MW run-of-river hydro projects in
the Cascade foothills. Meridian's
responsibilities included analysis of project
effects on aquatic and terrestrial resources,
recreation, land use, aesthetics, and cultural
resources. Both projects were licensed and are
under construction.
Clackamas River Hydroelectric Project Compliance
Portland General Electric
The new operating license for these projects
required PGE to rebuild 8 and develop 5 new
campgrounds, day use areas and river access
sites located primarily in the Mt. Hood
National Forest. Working with landscape
architects, Meridian performed environmental
analyses of the effects of work at each of
these sites over a multi-year period. These
analyses met the NEPA requirements of the
Forest Service and the FERC, addressing ESA
listed plants and animals, as well as
aesthetic, recreation and Wild and Scenic
River effects. Protective measures were
identified to minimize and mitigate
construction effects. Meridian also
participates in trail planning, traffic
analysis, construction permitting and annual
Henry M. Jackson Hydroelectric Project Relicensing and Implementation
Snohomish County PUD
Meridian was the lead consultant for
relicensing this 111.8-MW hydroelectric and
municipal water supply project, advising the
client on protection, mitigation and
enhancement measures for the term of a new
license, preparing the Preliminary License
Proposal and the Final License Application,
and completing biological assessments for both
NMFS and USFWS. Since the project was licensed
in 2011, we have continued to assist the
District with implementing the license
articles. Assignments have included designing,
installing, and operating a screw trap and
training District staff in on-going monitoring
methods; completing a water temperature
conditioning evaluation and report, and
conducting a ramping rate study to assess the
adequacy of current downramping rates on four
Sultan River side channels.