Marine Resources
Mukilteo Tank Farm Pier Demolition and Dredging Survey
Pacific Pile & Marine
As part of the Washington State Ferries'
Mukilteo Multimodal Transportation Project,
Pacific Pile and Marine demolished an existing
pier and dredged the shoreline at the new
ferry terminal location in Puget Sound.
Meridian completed a detailed SCUBA-based crab
survey to assess potential Dungeness crab
mortality during dredging. Divers sampled 15
randomly selected plots in a 58,000
square-foot area to determine the distribution
and abundance of Dungeness, red rock,
graceful, and kelp crabs in the proposed
dredge prism.
Maury Island Eelgrass Delineation and Reporting
Various private clients
After mass failure of bulkheads at six
properties on Maury Island in Puget Sound,
Meridian conducted aquatic plant surveys prior
to reconstruction efforts. Meridian evaluated
if construction could be managed to avoid
impacts to native aquatic plants and
macroalgae. After the bulkheads were repaired,
Meridian conducted an eelgrass delineation
survey following the Army Corps of Engineers
Eelgrass Delineation and Characterization
Protocol in order to abide by Washington State
Department of Natural Resources Right of Entry
on aquatic lands. Surveys were completed via
SCUBA, snorkel, and wading in the intertidal
zone and reports were submitted to the DNR.