Regulatory Compliance and NEPA
Hood River Production Program, Environmental Compliance for Development of Fish Facilities and Fish Passage Restoration
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs
Reservation of Oregon
Meridian managed environmental compliance for
development of a new fish acclimation facility
on the West Fork Hood River; modification of a
natural falls to aid fish passage obstructed
by a massive debris torrent on the Middle Fork
Hood River; and addition of a new fish
ladder/biomonitoring station on the West Fork
Hood River. Meridian delineated wetlands and
streams near the construction zones; prepared
Biological Assessments to meet ESA compliance
needs for BPA; prepared Army Corps and State
Lands fill/removal permit applications and
Hood River County applications for floodplain
and stream protection standards review.
Columbia River North Jetty Reconstruction Permitting
US Army Corps of Engineers
Meridian was retained during final design to
obtain construction permits and to complete a
wetland banking plan for reconstruction of the
failing jetty at the mouth of the Columbia
River. We prepared a water quality protection
and monitoring plan for work in the intertidal
zone and in saltwater wetlands. A stormwater
pollution prevention plan was approved by the
state and the county approved Meridian's
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit.
Meridian biologists completed wetland banking
agreements to mitigate for saltwater wetland
Hydropower Facilities in Washington, Oregon and California
Various utility and private clients
Meridian staff conducted all environmental
studies and obtained construction permits for
eight new hydropower projects built in the
Pacific Northwest, including new dam
construction and adding generating facilities
to existing dams. We performed NEPA
compliance, obtained FERC licenses, conducted
agency consultation and obtained all federal,
state and local permits for construction and
operation of these facilities. Construction
occurred on USFS and state park lands and at
Corps of Engineers' and Bureau of Reclamation
Flathead Irrigation System Minimum Streamflow EA
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
Meridian evaluated the effects of implementing
minimum flows for 30 streams within the
Flathead Indian Reservation that are
controlled by the Flathead Indian Irrigation
System. Minimum flows were identified to
balance the needs of land owners with the
needs of fish, including ESA listed species.
The Flathead Indian Irrigation System is
managed by the BIA to provide water for
patented water rights of tribal and non-tribal
land owners within the Reservation. Court
decisions had specified that instream flow
rights for fish on the Reservation are senior
to all other water right claims. The
Environmental Assessment provided information
for the Tribe to conclude legislative
negotiations for water rights adjudication
within the Reservation.
Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
Meridian prepared all permit applications for
the first seven years (2011 through 2017) of
restoration project construction as part of a
50-mile-long habitat restoration program.
Collaborating with River Design Group, permits
were obtained for extensive bank and side
channel stabilization and restoration along
the mainstem of Kootenai River. Meridian
continues to work on environmental planning
for aquatic and terrestrial restoration
projects scheduled in 2018 and beyond.
Tyee Transmission Line Off-Road Vehicle Use EA
Southeast Alaska Power Agency
Meridian evaluated site conditions and
prepared an Environmental Assessment to obtain
approval for off-road vehicle use in
designated areas. Helicopter access to
transmission line segments is being replaced
by an off-road vehicle to reduce maintenance
costs. Meridian staff conducted field studies
on 28 miles of right-of-way in nine segments
covering a 70-mile stretch of transmission
line across 4 islands. Field studies included
the evaluation of fisheries impacts at stream
crossings, the effects of vehicle travel on
soils and wetlands, and the presence and
potential spread of invasive species.
Meridian's project manager coordinated all
field logistics, including boat and helicopter
transport to remote segments of the
transmission line.
Kootenai Native Fish Conservation Aquaculture Facility
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
All construction permitting for a new burbot
and white sturgeon hatchery was obtained by
Meridian in collaboration with TetraTech
engineers. Water rights, instream work
authorizations and facility operational
approvals were obtained from federal, state
and county authorities.
Lyle Falls Fishway Improvement EIS
Bonneville Power Administration (with DJ
Warren and Associates)
Meridian prepared an EIS to modify and expand
an existing fishway on the Klickitat River. We
performed all NEPA coordination with BPA and
analyzed terrestrial, aquatic, recreation, and
land use resources. In addition to assisting
BPA with NEPA public involvement, Meridian
completed a BA that addressed potential
effects on Middle Columbia River steelhead and
Columbia River bull trout. The project was
sponsored by the Yakama Nation.
Southeast Alaska Electronic Communication Sites EAs
AP&T Wireless, Alaska
Communication and transmission of digital data
was improved throughout southeast Alaska with
the development of new microwave communication
sites. Meridian staff prepared NEPA
documentation (EA's and Categorical
Exclusions), biological evaluations, Forest
Plan amendments, and state and local
permitting for new and modified communication
sites throughout the Tongass National Forest.
Since 2006 Meridian has assisted AP&T with
permitting and environmental studies for seven
microwave communication sites.