Writing, Editing, and Document Production
San Joaquin River Restoration Program
US Fish and Wildlife Service
As part of a team conducting fisheries
restoration feasibility analyses and drafting
fisheries implementation plans, Meridian
contributed technical writing, editing and
meeting documentation services. We
participated in developing a salmonid
implementation plan, a fish passage
feasibility assessment, Chinook salmon
reintroduction plan, and a broodstock
management plan. In addition, Meridian
documented multi-day planning sessions and
provided in-meeting document drafting
Technical Reports and Support to the Columbia River Hatchery Scientific Review Group
NOAA Fisheries and Bonneville Power
Administration, with DJ Warren &
Over this two year assignment, Meridian
compiled and edited 246 individual reports on
351 populations of salmon and steelhead found
in the Columbia River Basin, 34 ESU/DPS
summary reports, interim species
recommendation reports, and a final summary
report of all findings and recommendations. We
managed many iterations of each component and
the electronic file production for web posting
and hard copy production.
Kootenai Native Fish Conservation Aquaculture Program

Kootenai Tribe of Idaho and Bonneville
Power Administration, with DJ Warren &
Meridian developed a Master Plan to expand the
Kootenai Tribe's existing sturgeon aquaculture
program, adding a state-of-the-art
experimental production facility for both
Kootenai white sturgeon and burbot. Burbot had
not previously been cultured anywhere in the
world. Meridian also provided environmental
compliance services in collaboration with
design engineers. We prepared a Biological
Assessment, provided technical support for
BPA's NEPA compliance, and obtained all
construction permits.
Southeast Alaska Communication Sites
AP&T Wireless, Alaska
Since 2006 Meridian has prepared environmental
reports and permitting documents for numerous
microwave tower projects on the Tongass
National Forest. Our studies and reports help
AP&T move from feasibility decisions to
construction. Documentation prepared for these
projects include site selection feasibility
reports, environmental assessments, biological
evaluations, Forest Plan amendments, FAA,
Corps of Engineers, and Forest Service Special
Use Permits, and construction permitting for
local jurisdictions. Meridian's reports
provide a clear and concise description of
project activities and potential effects for
State and Federal agency reviewers, thereby
expediting their approval.